
Sep 2014


20-something. Indian with a mixed heritage. Newly married. Started cooking about five seconds back. Chocolate & cheese make me go weak in the knees!

What you’ll find here is me sharing my food journey and stories, along with other miscellaneous food inspiration! I’m still finding my feet here, so things may keep changing (I’ve already changed the name twice!).

I love comfort & sophisticated food equally (also, who says comfort food can’t be amped up a notch?!) but don’t believe in pretentious ingredients or dishes. You know the ones I’m talking about – fancy for fancy’s sake! Nope, not my thing. So this blog will hopefully be about honest cooking, my kitchen conquests (and disasters) and all the wisdom I gather from my obsessive cooking sprees!

The photos used on the blog are almost all taken on my iPhone 4S or my husband’s 5S. I do plan on getting a DSLR (since photographs are another love of mine), so things should be cracking soon! Hubs was a total sweetheart and bought me a Canon 600D, so now the pictures on the site are a mix from my camera and iPhone!

You can follow me on twitter Instagram for micro-updates on my food journey! Also check out my flickr for more pictures!


3 responses to “Hello!

  1. Pingback: Gatta Pulao & Bhujia Raita | Mise En Place·

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